Technical Term
Date First Used
Acoustic Phonetics
Acoustic phonetics is a subfield of phonetics which deals with acoustic aspects of speech sounds. Acoustic phonetics investigates properties like the mean squared amplitude of a waveform, its duration, its fundamental frequency, or other properties of its frequency spectrum, and the relationship of these properties to other branches of phonetics (e.g. articulatory or auditory phonetics), and to abstract linguistic concepts like phones, phrases, or utterances. (20.12. 06
14. 12. 2006
16. 11. 2006
16.11. 2006
Articulatory Organs
07. 12. 2006
16.11. 2006
(c. 700-1000 A.D.) is a heroic epic poem. At 3,182 lines, it is notable for its length in comparison to other Old English poems.
09. 11. 2006
Bound morpheme
can only occur in connection with other morphemes. Example: -s, -ion, un-, -ize, ...
16. 11. 2006
Canterbury Tales
The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century (two of them in prose, the rest in verse). The tales, some of which are originals and others not, are contained inside a frame tale and told by a collection of pilgrims on a pilgrimage from Southwark to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral.[1] The Canterbury Tales are written in Middle English. ( 11.11.06)
Caucasus Theory
The origins of agriculture are said to have spread East-West from the Fertile Crescent (Iraq) between about 7,000 - 3000 BC, which coincides with what has been postulated about the East-West spread of the Indo-European languages.
Chomsky, Noam
the Institute Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chomsky is credited with the creation of the theory of generative grammar, considered to be one of the most significant contributions to the field of theoretical linguistics made in the 20th century. He also helped spark the cognitive revolution in psychology through his review of B.F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior, in which he challenged the behaviorist approach to the study of mind and language dominant in the 1950s. His naturalistic approach to the study of language has also affected the philosophy of language and mind (see Harman, Fodor). He is also credited with the establishment of the Chomsky–Schützenberger hierarchy, a classification of formal languages in terms of their generative power.
Wikipedia, 27.1.07
18. 01. 2007
Complex word
contains more than one morpheme (i.e. ≥2 morphemes).
Example: computer, boys, radio-recorder, bookshelf, magnetize, acidfree
16. 11. 2006
16. 11. 2006
23. 11. 2006
The history of words
26. 10. 2006
Free morpheme
can occur as a simple word.
Example: boy, man, radio,...
16. 11. 2006
Front matter
the first third section of a book, and is usually the smallest section in terms of the number of pages. The pages are numbered in lowercase roman numerals. Each page is counted; but no folio or page number is expressed, or printed, on either display pages, or blank pages.
( wikipedia, 28. 1.07)
25. 01. 2007
Golden horns of Gallehus
two golden horns, one shorter than the other, discovered in North Slesvig, or Schleswig, in Denmark. The horns were believed to date to the fifth century (Germanic Iron Age).
09. 11. 2006
Grammatical Morpheme
modify a word's tense, number, aspect, and so on. (as in the dog morpheme if written with the plural marker morpheme s becomes dogs).
30. 11. 06
Great Vowel Shift
The Great Vowel Shift was a major change in the pronunciation of the English language, generally accomplished in the fifteenth century, although evidence suggests it began as early as the fourteenth century. The shift continued for some time into the sixteenth century, spreading toward the non-metropolitan and non-port areas. It represented a change in the long vowels (i.e., a vowel shift).
26. 10. 2006
Grimm's Law
Proto-Indo-European voiceless stops change into voiceless fricatives.
Proto-Indo-European voiced stops become voiceless.
Proto-Indo-European voiced aspirated stops lose their aspiration and change into plain voiced stops.
26. 10. 2006
High German Soundshift
Germanic voiceless stops became fricatives in certain phonetic environments (English ship maps to German Schiff);
The same sounds became affricates in other positions (apple → Apfel);
Voiced stops became voiceless (day → Tag); and
/θ/ became /d/ (this → dies). 29.10.06)
26. 10. 2006
A hypertextdocument is a text either with conventional hierarchical parts or as a complex network of parts. Actually, every document in the world wide web is a hypertext.
19. 10. 2006
To place text farther to the right to separate it from surrounding text.
( Wikipedia, )
25. 01. 2007
Indo- European Expansion
5000 to 3000 BC (spread of agriculture)
Hellenic Expansion 330 BC (Alexander the Great, greek influence)
Roman expansion 100 BC – 400 AD (Latin influence)
romance languages
roman catholic church
Colonal expansion adter 1492
romance languages ( Portuguese, Spanish, French)
germanic languages ( Dutch, English)
Lexical Morpheme
can be added to a word to create (derive) another word: the addition of "-ness" to "happy," for example, to give "happiness."
30. 11. 06
Meaning (linguistics)
In linguistics, meaning is the content carried by the words or signs exchanged by people when communicating through language. Restated, the communication of meaning is the purpose and function of language.
Wikipedia (24.1.07) (
19. 01. 2007
The smallest unit of a unit that carries meaning. A word can be comprised of one or more morphemes
16. 11. 2006
The study of the formation of words
16. 11. 2006
Paradigmatic Relations
Relations of “choice”
similarity and difference of
internal structure: simple vs. complex stems
external structure: functions in different word orders / positions
meaning: synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, ...
appearance: shared and different distinctive features
21. 12. 2006
Phonetics (from the Greek word φωνή, phone meaning 'sound, voice') is the study of sounds and the human voice. It is concerned with the actual properties of speech sounds (phones) as well as those of non-speech sounds, and their production, audition and perception, as opposed to phonology, which is the study of sound systems and abstract sound units (such as phonemes and distinctive features). Phonetics deals with the sounds themselves rather than the contexts in which they are used in languages. ( 20.12.2006)
14. 12. 2006
affixes that attach before the root
16. 11. 2006
A portfolio is a collection of works to be used as a learner's diary and/ or a glossary. It is important to assess your learning outcome and to prepare for examinations.
It should contain a table of content, tasks and reports that you produce during the lecture or at home, brief summaries of the lectures and a glossary with all important technical terms.